维丹阁 >风水大师 >风水故事


  据说、远古时代的龙是没有角的。那时的龙在地上生活,它凭着自己身强体壮、能飞、善游、想当属相、也想当兽王!取代虎的地位。于是。人间产生了龙虎斗、结果是难分难解、最后、玉帝觉得它们斗得太不像话、下旨叫它们来天宫评理。临行时。龙想到自己虽然高大。却不及老虎威风?怕玉帝小看自己,当不上兽王也排不上属相。这时,龙的小弟蜈蚣出主意:“公鸡有一对漂亮的角。不防借来戴上、这一定会给龙大哥添几分威风?”龙听大喜,便同蜈蚣来找公鸡借角。   公鸡听说龙要借它的角。死活不肯、龙一见急了,对天发誓道:“如果我不还你的角。回陆地就死!”蜈蚣也在一帝担任保道、“如果龙大哥不还你的角你一口把我吃掉!”公鸡见蜈蚣作保便便把角借给了龙、   龙和虎到了天宫!玉帝见龙和虎都十分威风,便下令龙虎都作兽王!虎为陆地百兽之王!龙作水中水族之王,虎既然可以当属相、龙也可以成为属相,只不过得在后面一些、于是。龙和虎皆7246大欢喜。告辞玉帝回到凡间。回来后。龙心里想。如果把角还给公鸡!水族们见我这么丑能服我管呢,于是决定不还公鸡的角,一头扎进水中、现也不上陆地了,   公鸡见龙不还角!气得满脸通红。也6150迁怒于蜈蚣。蜈蚣吓得从此钻进石缝中、今天我们还可以见到、公鸡的脸总是红的、蜈蚣也难得爬出地面。公鸡见到蜈蚣总是一口一个吃掉、并且总是在喊:“龙哥哥。还我的角。”而龙呢、再也没有到陆地上来了,   虽然龙是十二生肖中唯一虚构的动物?但中国人对它却是1325又敬又怕,有一种特殊的感情,龙的地位之高任何动物也1713无法与之比较!中国人心中,它是一种能呼风唤雨、腾云驾雾的神物。帝王自称自己是真龙天子!百姓自己是龙的传人、人们发挥4496出无限的想象力,将龙说得神奇而伟大,把各种动物的形象聚于龙一身、有兽的野性,人的悟性。神的灵性。并创造了许多龙的传说!这些传说经过民间的加工和文人的润色后。更加6314令人神往了,人们敬龙。爱龙。的心理更升华为一种崇拜。也许,这也是龙成为生肖的文化因素、   凌晨7--9时(“辰时”)!传说这是群龙行雨的时候!龙是神话中的动物,于是辰时属龙,!


  双鱼座:Venus with a beloved American spirit sons - little Cupid, dressed up, ready to take part in a luxurious banquet. At this banquet, all the participants who are the gods of soil, described as a "god of the feast" A goddess who play more than a search for the beautiful, who also do not want other people to inferior: The public men of God who is the staff of a wine glass, small groups in the rhetoric. The naughty children have long since been Annaibuzhu, playing hide and seek coming. Climax when the whole party, we all revel in the delicious food, and drink in the fragrant, suddenly came an uninvited guest, destroy the whole party atmosphere. The uninvited guest, has a very ferocious appearance, and the evil heart, he appeared at the banquet purpose is to destroy it, it is apparently, he has achieved this objective was. He reached the tables of food furnished to overthrow, put potted plants Shuaixiang pool, also with a terrible expression, frightened by the presence of each participant. People began to flee, had a good dinner, actually become so panicked, screaming, children crying endless. This time, Venus suddenly found Jupiter disappeared, her tense around to look, but also the presence of uninvited guests who gave up, and Venus looked in every corner of the banquet, and finally under the piano, found already rip have had diarrhea trembling Jupiter, Venus, Cupid can not help but quickly will tightly in his arms. Cupid with her in order to prevent re-separated, Venus was a way to use a rope to tie together the feet of two people, and then turned into two fish, this way, the successful escape from this terrible The banquet was. 处女座:Agriculture goddess Demeter and Zeus had a daughter Puxifenni the Great, one day Puxifenni pick flowers in the wild, there are flowers beautiful flowers Masamori never seen open, just as her hand to Abstract, the ground suddenly Rupture in a good few, Puxifenni to stop. Mother, Demeter, also vowed to recover the missing daughter around them. See everything through the sun god Helios told Demeter is due to Pluto Haides For married Puxifenni wife, and her back ground, Demeter sadness over Plants can wither, the earth is not a hair of Health. Zeus to see the serious situation, is to Haides intercede, but Haides go in Puxifenni when she took the Underworld pomegranate to eat, Puxifenni because they can leave, happy to eat four, the result was forced to four months a year to stay in the Underworld, which four months into the winter today, things should not be farming, Puxifenni a return to earth is the spring, Demeter is the embodiment of Virgo.。乐山看墓地风水


  Aquarius story: Aquarius tears     Iraq is the prince of Troy, is a handsome extraordinary young. His appearance is also are rare even.     Iraq does not love the human woman, his deep love is Zeus shrine in a pouring maid. This ordinary maid once in a night with wonderful song captured Iraqi heart, also took the Trojan town all girl's happiness.     Against the that girl's Helen, and Troy the city's most beautiful woman Helen with the same beautiful name. Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy's decision, Helen disregard precepts hurried to give news. Prince Iraq Results in the middle of the road was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple. Zeus wrench to put to death, but she decides to punish her. In his son of Apollo cues, Zeus decided to send this sin on giving Helen of Troy prince, cant.     One day, Zeus become an eagle, coming in Troy space. The sight of him saw in the back garden for a walk in the prince. Zeus startled, he had met with many beautiful goddess of earth and stunning woman, but have never seen such a handsome young man. Zeus was Iraq special temperament attracted deeply, a wicked thoughts arises spontaneously. He from swooping, pushed up Iraq, bring him back to the temple.     In the cold temple, Iraq see family also see Helen, he pined. While Zeus but persecuted for his Iraq instead of Helen drinks, so that he could see this beautiful boy ......余下全文>>!乐山风水最好的地方


  三合:三合是种「明合」!光明正大地合,就是三个生肖的吉配。   六合:六合是种「暗合」!暗中帮助你的贵人,     属鸡(贵人:龙)   宜配:牛。龙、蛇!有天赐之福、并有名望、功利荣达、家事亨通!   解释:   酉鸡与辰龙六合,因此最宜找个4384属龙的。   其次是与巳蛇丑牛三合?故也宜找个属蛇属牛的,     生肖相冲合表示什么   1!相冲代表意见不合、容易有冲突。彼此相克!   2、相合。三合代表和合!相处融洽,容易沟通、互相生旺。   3,相刑代表性格不合!互有刑克!!乐昌那个楼盘风水最好


  鸡 属鸡擅看穿别思反应敏锐论遇突发事性都立即想关策待接物面属于社交能手新相识朋友都睦相处所能温。亲切能位术、狡!乐观积极向上的生肖




  冲是说:不相合.不宜 09年结婚吉日10月份   2009年10月02日 农历 八月十四 星期五 冲狗   2009年10月04日 农历 八月十六 星期天 冲鼠   2009年10月06日 农历 八月十八 星期二 冲虎 避开   2009年10月08日 农历 八月廿 星期四 冲龙   2009年10月15日 农历 八月廿七 星期四 冲猪 避开   2009年10月16日 农历 八月廿八 星期五 冲鼠   2009年10月18日 农历 九月初一 星期日 冲虎 避开   2009年10月19日 农历 九月初二 星期一 冲兔   2009年10月25日 农历 九月初八 星期日 冲鸡   2009年10月28日 农历 九月十一 星期三 冲鼠   可是信则有,不信则无咯 祝愿你们美满幸福!。乔任梁八字




  The meaning of many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time.很多庆祝复活节的各种习俗的意义由于年代久远难以考证。 Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity.他们都起源于前基督教信仰和基督教、 All in some way or another are a "salute to spring," marking re-birth.都是不同方式来庆祝春天的到来。纪念再生, The white Easter lily has come to capture the glory of the holiday.白色复活百合是节日里的焦点, The word "Easter" is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring.“Easter”这个词是由Eastre来的,她是英国代表春天的女神, A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox.每年的春分时刻都有为她举行的节日!People celebrate the holiday according to their beliefs and their religious denominations .人们根据自己的信念和宗教派别来庆祝节日!Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and E顶ster Sunday as the day that He was resurrected .基督徒把Good Friday作为耶稣死的那天来纪念。把复活节作为他复活的那天来纪念,Protestant settlers brought the custom of a sunrise service, a religious gathering at dawn, to the United States.新教徒把这个习俗带到了美国、并由原本的黎7333明庆祝变成了太阳升起来的时候庆祝,This year Easter will be celebrated on Sunday April 11, 2004.今年的复活节是2004年4月11日。星期天! On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy.在复活节、小孩子们醒来会发现复活节兔子给他们留下了一篮篮的糖果。 He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week.他(兔子)还把孩子们在这个星期初装饰的蛋藏起来了, Children hunt for the eggs all around the house.孩子们在房子周围找彩蛋。 Neighborhoods and organizations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.居委会和......余下全文>>。乔任梁妈妈面相像鬼生肖鸡的故事英语




