维丹阁 >女人面相 >面相命运


  你好!很高兴为你解答这就是你的命运That's your destiny,This is your fate.重点词汇就是quite right; exactly; even if; even; namely命运fate; destiny; fortune; kisme双语例句以下例句来源于网络?仅0804供参考这儿有灯!但没有一丝火焰&这就是你的命运!我的心啊,There is the lamp but never a flicker of a flame,& is such thy fate, my heart!希望对你有帮助、


  命运   fate   destiny   参考例句   人人都是自己命运的建筑师(各人的幸福靠自己去创造),   Every man is the architect of his own fortune.   他们相信他们相遇是命运的安排,   They were sure that fate was responsible for their meeting.   命运的宠儿则属于第二类人,   But Fortune’s favoured children belong to the second class.   这一历史上着名的战役改变了两个民族8746的命运,   The historic battle changed the fate of two nations.   两家人的命运息息相关。   The fates of the two families were closely bound up.   法官的话决定了该囚犯的命运、   The judge's words sealed the prisoner's fate.   相信上帝,相信命运   Trust in the Lord. Trust to destiny.   法官宣布了决定命运的判决、   The judge pronounced the fateful words.。保险柜摆放位置图片


  faten.命运!宿命。灾难!死亡。命中注定的事(尤指坏事)   destinyn.命运,天命、天数!命运的三女神。主宰事物的力量   fortunen.幸运、(某人的)命运!富有![常作复数](人生事件中的)时运   kismetn.命运、天命。     扩展资料     例句:   1.他不相信命运?   He does not believe in fate.   2.我看不出和命运抗争有什么用。   I see no use quarrelling with fate.   3.我和她的命运紧密相连!   My fate was bound up with hers   4.从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。   The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth   5.被文明社会抛弃是可能降临在我身上的最悲惨的命运、   To be cast out from civilization was the worst fate that could possibly befall me.!保险柜摆放家里图片


  贝多芬的月光曲 命运交响曲 费德里奥 欢乐颂 田园9396交响曲 悲怆奏鸣曲 致爱丽丝 小提琴鸣奏曲!保险柜摆放房间风水位

命运让我们相遇,却又彼此错过 用英文怎么说

  The fate gives us a beautiful meet-cute(邂0684逅) ,but missed each other later。、保险柜摆放方位




I surnamed Lee 。保险柜的摆放

每当命运要你逆风飞翔时 绝不能随风而去的英文 或者是法文 罗马文

  英文:Once life want you to fly against the wind, do not ever go with the wind.!保险柜的摆放位置

命运由自己掌控 英文怎么说

  You are the master of your destiny / fate.,保险柜的摆放风水没有命运英文


  ♚₯㎕、Poison     _Edmundヾ似懂非懂     초과의(多余)     Liar.【说谎者】     Empty city°     永远Forever°     Only One     Moonlight月光     Alone     Amnesia[失忆症]   Wrysmile°苦笑     heart☀     仅此°future     ✡Ruthless     ——lest▲呓语,     time°时光女孩     Forever在一起     Summer°阳光盛开     Soul mate.     Broken Dream   future*     Sick°[病态]     for me(对我来说)     Green灬青涩     Healing(愈合)     Memoryヾノ颤心     the lover     ☀sunny     Honey.     forever°为你锁心   Nothing     Hello◆kitty°     NO.1girl     °Strangest     sunshine☀     Promise不叫痛     夜璃Goddess、     Territory还好     ▲角逐   pursu     Windsky彡   Shero.(女英雄)   Memories回忆   Timeless、落尘   Koreyoshi°唯美   Bravery   -shadow   Aug   Resign(认命)   Autism(孤独症)   离群戏Puppetsho     都是自己文档里存的 不够再炸我哟~~。保险柜颜色有讲究吗


