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大神们,求助《傲慢与偏见》的故事内容的大体介绍,要较为具体,英文版。用于英语演讲3min. 要快!

  The story is based on Jane Austen's novel about five sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet - in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their neighborhood. Written by Marcy Gomez Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an english gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife. The Bennets 5 daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependant on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer in the country. Mr Bingley brings with him his sister and the dashing (and richer) but proud Mr Darcy. Love is soon in the air for one of the Bennet sisters, while another may have jumped to a hasty prejudgment. For the Bennet sisters many trials and tribulations stand between them and their happiness, including class, gossip and scandal. Written by Dom This tale of love and values unfolds in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. The five Bennet sisters - including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia - have been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. When a wealthy bachelor takes up residence in a nearby mansion, the Bennets are abuzz. Amongst the man's sophisticated circle of friends, surely there will be no shortage of suitors for the Bennet sisters. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome and - it would seem - snobbish Mr. Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined. Written by focus features In Georgian England, Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia with the purpose of getting married with a rich husband that can support the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hartfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies. When the wealthy bachelor Mr. Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansion nearby their property, the shy and beautiful Jane falls in love for Mr. Bingley, and Lizzie finds Mr. Darcy a snobbish and proud man, and she swears to loathe him forever. This is the beginning of their wonderful love story.,

对意大利文化,饮食等方面的介绍 英文版

  综合介绍:   Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.   Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been for centuries the center of Western civilization, and is the seat of the Catholic Church.   Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index,[1] and the 20th-highest Human Development Index rating in the world. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), and also a member of the G8, NATO, OECD, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union, and the Central European Initiative. On January 1, 2007 Italy began a two year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.   饮食:   Italian Food: The Italian food section of Life In Italy is divided into several categories: First we have our Italian food Ratings database, a rating of Italian food by selected Italian and American consumers. Second we provide recipes by Venetian chef Francesco the co-owner and chef at award winning restaurant Remi in New York City. Third we provide some general articles about Italian cooking like how to make Italian Pizza at home, bread, and articles about Italian foods such as olives, cheeses, herbs used in Italian cooking.   While in New York city and in my area (Washington DC) - there are few real Italian restaurants, my subjective, but experienced, opinion is that 90% of the Italian restaurants in the US are not Italian at all. If "Italian food" conjures up thoughts of Italian American restaurant chains or pizza with a red-purple sauce and lots of garlic powder this is simply not Italian! I personally hate that type of cooking -Italian American food is loaded with too many strange tasting "additives". One might even call them "addictives" because these strong flavors cultivate consumer taste for heavy style foods, to the detriment of the much more delicate and healthier authentic Italian cooking. As an example of this altered taste are things like Italian dressing - Italian style bread crumbs - Italian seasoning are all things with 'oversaturated' taste that you will never find in Italy .   In the minds of many in the US, Italian food continues to be associated with the image of a pretty large guy eating spaghetti with meat-ball sauce - the reality is that in Italy practically no one eats spaghetti with meat ball sauce. Italians do have some meat sauce recipes that require long and laborious preparation (including marinating the meat for 3-4 days in aged red wine), but they also have an incredible number of variations of pasta dishes cooked with vegetables or seafood. And when I say pasta, this is not equivalent to only spaghetti. Again there is an amazing range of forms, shapes, sizes of pastas, many of which are unique to specific regions. The variety in the Italian diet, the continued widespread reliance on fresh ingredients cooked on the spot, and the extensive use of vegetables, fruit and olive oil all contribute to the generally healthy state of Italians that on average appear to be much thinner than Americans, especially in middle and later years. In my opinion, there is a direct relationship between being overweight and heavy consumption of industrial and chain foods, widespread soda drinking and avoidance of fruits, vegetables and reasonable amounts of wine, not only in the US but also among younger generations in Italy that love to imitate the American life style. A lot has been written about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Without going deeper into the matter, I would like to tell you that Italian food - that found in Italy - is not only good for you but it really tastes great! Enjoy the adventure of exploring authentic Italian food, not only a delight for the senses but also an expression of the cultural and traditional heritage of the country.、厨房风水五行


  Tarot   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   This article is about the card decks created for trick-taking games and later used for divinatory and esoteric/occult purposes. For other uses, see Tarot (disambiguation).   The tarot (/ˈtæroʊ/; first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi,tarock, and others) is a pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering 78), used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play agroup of card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. From the late 18th century until the present time the tarot has also found use bymystics and occultists in efforts at divination or as a map of mental and spiritual pathways.   Like a normal deck of cards, the tarot has four suits (which vary by region, being the French suits in Northern Europe, the Latin suits in Southern Europe, and the German suits in Central Europe). Each of these suits has pipcards numbering from ace to ten and four face cards for a total of 14 cards. In addition, the tarot is distinguished by a separate 21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool. Depending on the game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may be played to avoid following suit.[1]   François Rabelais gives tarau as the name of one of the games played by Gargantua in his Gargantua and Pantagruel;[2] this is likely the earliest attestation of the French form of the name.[citation needed] Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play card games. In English-speaking countries, where these games are largely unplayed, tarot cards are now used primarily for divinatory purposes.[1] Occultists call the trump cards and the Fool "the major arcana" while the ten pip and four court cards in each suit are called minor arcana. The cards are traced by some occult writers to ancient Egypt or the Kabbalah but there is no documented evidence of such origins or of the usage of tarot for divination before the 18th century.   Etymology   The English and French word tarot derives from the Italian tarocchi, which has no known origin oretymology[citation needed]. One theory relates the name "tarot" to the Taro River in northern Italy, near Parma; the game seems to have originated in northern Italy, in Milan or Bologna.[3] Other writers believe it comes from the Arabic word طرق turuq, which means 'ways'.[4] Alternatively, it may be from the Arabic ترك taraka, 'to leave, abandon, omit, leave behind'[5]   History   Playing cards first entered Europe in the late 14th century, probably from Mamluk Egypt, with suits very similar to the tarot suits of Swords, Staves, Cups and Coins (also known as disks, and pentacles) and those still used in traditional Italian, Spanish and Portuguese decks.[6]   The first known documented tarot cards were created between 1430 and 1450 in Milan, Ferrara and Bologna in northern Italy when additional trump cards with allegorical illustrations were added to the common four-suit pack. These new decks were originally called carte da trionfi, triumph cards, and the additional cards known simply as trionfi, which became "trumps" in English. The first literary evidence of the existence of carte da trionfi is a written statement in the court records in Florence, in 1440. The oldest surviving tarot cards are from fifteen fragmented decks painted in the mid 15th century for the Visconti-Sforza family, the rulers of Milan.     !厨房风水北方是炉灶


  【1990年】   涛声依旧[毛宁]   对你爱不完[郭富城]   滚滚红尘[陈淑桦]   特别的爱给特别的你[伍思凯]   你怎么舍得我难过[黄品源]   沧海一声笑[黄沾 罗大佑 徐克]   我是一只小小鸟[赵传]   点燃一根烟[林玉英]   【1991年】   我不想哭[杨钰莹]   今夜你会不会来[黎明]   失恋阵线联盟[草盟]   把悲伤留给自己[陈升]   三百六十五个祝福[蔡国庆]   这样爱你对不对[陈淑桦]   怨苍天变了心[方季维]   护花使者[李克勤]   爱[小虎队]   在我生命中的每一天[成龙.苏慧伦]   爱要怎么说出口[赵传]   让我欢喜让我忧[周华健]   年轻时代[郑智化]   我用自己的方式爱你[陈明真]   光辉岁月[Beyond]   山不转水转[那英]   好人一生平安[李娜]   千古绝唱[白雪]   真的好想你[周冰倩]   追梦人[凤飞飞]   命运不是辘轳[韦唯]   【1992年】   心相印手牵手[杨钰莹]   吻和泪[周子寒]   茶山情歌[杨钰莹]   飘雪[陈慧娴]   大海[张雨生]   容易受伤的女人[王菲]   桃花运[杨钰莹]   快乐颂[庾澄庆]   糊涂的爱[金志文.江姗]   千年等一回[高胜美]   心湖雨又风[高胜美]   谢谢你的爱[刘德华]   渡情[左宏元.张慧清]   水手[郑智化]   青青河边草[高胜美]   男儿当自强[成龙]   【1993年】   轻轻的告诉你[杨钰莹]   潮湿的心[甘萍]   新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦[黄安]   爱情鸟[林依伦]   用心良苦[张宇]   吻别[张学友]   爱如朝水[张信哲]   九百九十九朵玫瑰[邰正宵]   风中有朵雨做的云[孟庭苇]   一路上有你[张学友]   牵挂你的人是我[高林生]   真心英雄[群星]   得意的笑[李丽芬]   女人是老虎[李娜]   包青天[胡瓜]   小芳[李春波]   笑脸[谢东]   牵手[苏芮]   真心英雄[群星]   新不了情[万芳]   笑红尘[陈淑桦]   花心[周华健]   【1994年】   蝶儿蝶儿满天飞[高胜美]   爱我的人和我爱的人[袭海正]   天下浪子不独你一人[吴倩莲]   等你一万年[杨钰莹]   你究竟有几个好妹妹[孟庭苇]   九九女儿红[陈少华]   感恩的心[欧阳菲菲]   醉拳[成龙]   风雨无阻[周华健]   同桌的你[老狼]   味道[辛晓琪]   明明知道相思苦[黄安]   东南西北风[黄安]   祝你平安[孙悦]   当你孤单你会想起谁[张栋梁]   忘情水[刘德华]   九月九的酒[陈少华]   走四方[韩磊]   懂你[满文军]   太傻[巫启贤]   缘份[蔡幸娟]   灰姑娘[郑钧]   雾里看花[那英]   刀剑如梦[周华健]   天意[刘德华]   伤痕[林忆莲]   其实不想走[周华健]   有多少爱可以重来[黄仲坤]   白天不懂夜的黑[那英]   【1995年】   枕着你的名字入睡[陈明]   为爱伤心为你痛[张克帆]   女孩的心思你别猜[周亮]   羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开[孟庭苇]   摇太阳[方芳]   大花轿[火凤]   不要对他说[张信哲]   为爱痴狂[刘若英]   朋友别哭[吕方]   过火[张信哲]   男人不该让女人流泪[苏永康]   大中国[高枫]   笑看风云[郑少秋]   一言难尽[张宇]   父亲[崔京浩]   一生离不开的是你[黄鹤翔.冰玉]   相亲相爱[飞碟群星]   游戏人间[郑智化]   执着[许巍]   移情别恋[郭峰]   【1996年】   我的眼里只有你[景岗山]   健康歌[范晓萱]   相思[叶凡]   九妹[黄鹤翔]   电话情思[伊阳]   为我们的今天喝彩[林萍]   鸭子[苏慧伦]   独角戏[许芸茹]   铁窗[许美静]   我的心太乱[周传雄]   你的甜蜜[范晓萱]   城里的月光[许美静]   最浪漫的事[赵咏华]   过河[潘长江.阎淑萍]   黄金一笑[杨钰莹]   好男人[张镐哲]   冰糖葫芦[冯晓泉]   麻将[郑智化]   我和春天有个约会[邝美云]   永远是朋友[杭天琪]   挪威的森林[......余下全文>>,厨房风水大忌怎样化解


  很遗憾哦... 只知道10个生肖的资料...就加多几个补数吧~ 本田透 女主角,外型清纯可爱,性格开朗积极。善良正直、温和体贴,很容易感化别人的可爱女孩。但是有点小脱线、喜欢妈妈,猫。 草摩由希 被十二生肖的鼠附身,外型俊5248俏漂亮!是大家公认的王子!性0138格善良温和,但有点自闭不喜与人交往、喜欢小透、格斗术超强、 草摩夹 被猫怪附身。性格急躁火暴。喜欢小透、超讨厌由希!格斗术一般、但永远打不0574过由希? 草摩紫吴 被十二生肖的狗附身!性格温和幽默、一个特别喜欢拖稿的小说家、喜欢开玩笑、 草摩乐罗 被十二生肖的猪附身。平时性格温和可爱。但一受刺激就会暴走。与平静时判若两人。非常喜欢夹、 草摩波鸟 被十二生肖的龙附身!草摩家族的医生,性格冷静稳重,有着伤4698心的恋爱往事,左眼接4925近失明!拥有可以消除任何人记忆的超能力。 草摩红叶 被十二生肖的兔附身、日德混血儿!外型漂亮可爱!性格开朗活泼!善良懂事。很关心小透。有着令人伤心的身世经历 草摩泼春 被十二生肖的牛附身,有着双重性格。白色之春时性9723格善良温和、黑色之春时性格邪恶暴躁。曾经憎恨过也喜欢过由希!是一个有点小BT的人 草摩杞纱 被十二生肖的虎附身、性格温和害羞、曾因被人欺负自闭起来,被小透开导后开始非常喜欢和依赖小透,, 草摩灯路 被十二生肖的羊附身。性格老成,好胜心强、喜欢杞纱。因为吃小透的醋所以讨厌小透。 草摩利津 被十二生肖的猴附身!性格温和软弱、非常敏感,经常处于暴走状态。 草摩谦人 草摩家的当家。也是十二4105生肖的统治者?性格古怪暴躁,很专治的一个人、9892但其实内心非常寂寞,体弱多病, 还有小透的朋友... 花岛朔 小透的好友,性格沉着平静,可以发出3404各种电波洞察别人心机!因为可以发毒电波攻击人。所以仇视小透的女生都很怕她、 鱼谷卯绪 小透的好友。性格直爽暴烈!像个太妹!十分崇拜小透的妈妈,与小朔一起一直保护着小透,。厨房风水大忌是西北角






  Aaron 阿伦、含义:启发   Abby 阿比,含义:娇小可爱的9609女人   Abel 埃布尔?含义:呼吸   Abrhams 亚伯拉罕、含义:民族之父,后来,它演变成"万物之父"的意思,   Ada 埃达。含义:高贵   Adam 亚当!4087含义:红土制造,高大、黝黑!英俊!6712肌肉强健的男人,沉稳,聪明!   Adeline 阿德利娜,含义:守旧。坏脾气的女孩。过份有礼但目中无人   Adrian 阿德里安、9621含义:黑色   Ailsa 艾尔萨、含义:快乐的姑娘   Aimee 艾梅!含义:可爱的人   Albert艾伯特!含义:崇高、聪明   Alexander 亚历山大!含义:人类的保卫者   Alfred 艾尔弗雷德、含义:超重的智者或文弱的书呆子   Alice 艾丽斯,含义:真理。贵族   Alina 爱丽娜。含义:高贵   Allison 阿利森。含义:微小、真实的,名闻众神的   Alva 阿尔瓦。含义:很崇高,庄严的   Amanda阿曼达。含义:爱   Amanda阿曼达。含义:爱    Amy埃米、含义:被深爱的   Andrea安德烈亚!含义:有女人味的   Angela安杰拉!含义:天使,传递消息的8045人   Angus安格斯!含义:唯一的选择   Anita阿妮塔!含义:伶俐!讨人喜欢而且充满乐趣的女人   Ann安、含义:优雅   Anne安妮。含义:善良!优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩   Annie安妮!含义:被形容为1861可爱的小女孩   Anthony安东尼,含义:无价    April阿普里尔,含义:开始的意思   Ariel阿里尔。含义:上帝的母狮子   Arthur阿瑟。含义:贵族。英雄。   Asa 阿萨,含义:医治者   Austin奥斯汀!含义:聪明。坦诚有礼的   Beata 比塔、含义:最快乐幸福的人   Beatrice比阿特利斯。含义:带来欢笑之人   Becky贝基、含义:可爱的顽皮姑娘!注重世俗之物,文静又快乐   Ben 本,含义:儿子   Benson 本森!含义:班杰明的儿子   Betty 贝蒂!含义:金发女孩的形像!傻的可爱又风趣 7125  Blanche 布兰奇、含义:白色,纯洁   Bonnie 邦尼。含义:美丽   Boris 鲍里斯,含义:勇士   Brant 布兰特,含义:妖精   Brenda 布伦达,含义:煽动者   Brent 布伦特!含义:山顶或者避暑胜地!   Brian 布赖恩!含义:力量!美德"   Carl 卡尔?含义:农人   Cary 卡里。含7891义:来自城堡的   Caspar 卡斯珀,含义:友善。害羞乐於助人的。年长,有著忠实信仰   Cheney 切尼。含义:橡树林的人   Chris 克里斯。含义:外表清爽,标准的美国男孩、聪明、可爱又有趣、   Colin 科林!含义4616:孩子"   Carol 卡罗尔、含义:强悍!有女人味的   Carry 卡里!含义:可爱,聪明的金发女孩   Cassie卡西、含义:可爱、受欢迎的大学女生!快乐而甜美   Catherine凯瑟琳!含义:纯真   Cathy卡西,含义:可爱年轻,充满活力。外向、有趣的金发女子   Cherry彻里,含义:樱桃   Cheryl谢里尔、含义:娇小,可爱。甜美、友善的女孩   Chris克里斯,含义:顽皮姑娘或是非常有自信的女运动员、充满信心的微笑、外向!很有活力的女孩   Christina克里斯蒂娜。含义:美丽娇小的女子家境富裕,聪明世故   Christine克里斯廷、含义:基督徒   Christy克里斯蒂。含义:可爱!年轻、善良的金发女孩   Cindy辛迪!含义:甜美、吸引人1961的金发女孩!活力充沛又健康,但不是很聪明Clement克莱门特。含义:宽容的意思   Co......余下全文>>?厨房风水学灶台方向


  She was still too young to know that life never gives anything for   nothing, and that a price is always exacted for what fate bestows.   此句出自《断头王后》,   。厨房风水宜亮还是宜暗十二生肖介绍英文版




