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  天秤座!Libra。 。L。


  平衡、权衡和考虑、   拉丁语中天平这种称量工具就叫做“libra”(注意不是大写)!象征着平衡,权衡和考虑,显然在看到了天秤座星系的形状的时候,联想到了这个星座出生的人的性格命名的!   天秤座常常追求和平和谐的感觉,他们善于交谈、沟通能力极强是他们最大的优点!但他们最大5200的缺点。往往是犹豫不决、天秤座的人容易将自己的想法加诸到别人身上!天秤座的人要小心这点。天秤座女生常常希望他们的伴侣会时刻陪伴着她、   天秤座由金星守护,守护星是维纳斯。影响4162他们爱好追求和平和谐的感觉!6492天秤座的人外型优雅,亲切善良、朋友缘极好!喜欢听别人倾诉!沟通力又强。只不过有犹豫不决的最大毛病。   他们事事要求平衡,与别人维持深入关系是他的人生目标、他们最容易感6770到寂寞?许多时心灵上出现空虚、虽然分享是他的人生座右铭、可惜容易流于将自己的一套想法加诸别人身上,正所谓“用自己的尺量度别人的尺度”、天秤座的朋友要小心这点,!在家里大茶台摆放阳台


  Leo   ['li:əu]   n. 狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等)![天文]狮子座。利奥(男子名)?在家里女人的方位是哪



用英文写复活节人们常常做什么?吃什么?心情怎么样? 5分

  Jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day Easter holiday was born. Easter Festival with religious origins to countries in Europe and the United States, Easter is a major holiday after Christmas. According to the "Bible Gospel According to Matthew" argument in the cross of Jesus Christ three days after the revival of torture, and thus the establishment of this section. According to the Western church tradition, the Spring equinox festival (March 21) or a full day to see the first month after the Spring equinox, the first encounter is Easter Sunday. Eastern Church provides that if one happens to appear in this first Sunday, Easter again postponed a week. Therefore, generally in a section between March 22 and April 25 . On the death of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian creed is to change the world of crime. Thus, in Christianity, Easter is of great significance. However, and Christmas, along with social progress, Easter religious overtones increasingly weak, as a folk festival features are becoming increasingly evident.,在山建房看风水宝地


Scorpio 或者Scorpius 都可以 因为是拉丁文 。在平原怎样来选坟地


  你好!   名字   name 英[neɪm] 美[nem]   n. 名字; 名声; 有…名称的; 著名的人物;   vt. 确定; 决定; 给…取名; 说出…的名字;   adj. 著名的; 据以取名;   [例句]My mother insisted on naming me Horace.   我母亲坚持给我取名叫霍勒斯,。在床底下压衣服风水


  There is a hole on the ice.-:3满意请采纳:3--:D以后有问题可以求助我:D-!在店铺养鱼风水讲究

食品有限公司 英文怎么写

Food Co., Ltd. 。在房间养龟风水天秤座用英文怎么写


  On the morning of February 28, 2012, I saw a car accident in Green Street.The car hit a woman.Woman lying on the ground, the driver of the car was ready to escape.Stopped the driver, and called the police.The man finally stopped and told people the reason of this accident.Yesterday I worked late, so I was tired, he said.The way I go to work, out of the car accident.Finally, the woman was sent to hospital for an operation.The Two police officers took the man away.   在2012年2月28日的早晨、我看见了一场车祸在格林街、一辆汽车撞了一个女人。那个女人躺在地上。而轿车的司机却准备逃跑?人们拦住了那个司机、并且报了警、那0110个男人终于停了下来、告诉人们了他撞人的原因,他说!昨天我工作得太晚,所以我很累,在1247我去上班的途中。就出了这场车祸、最后,那个女6423人被送去了医院做手术?两个警察带走了那个男人。。在房顶摆放麒麟位置


