维丹阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  家有喜事   年代:1997   地区:香港   演员: 周星驰  伍咏薇  吴倩莲  黄百鸣  吴镇宇  乔宏  钟丽缇  黎姿   导演:2316 张坚庭   简介:老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰)!贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙,次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会、个性单纯!向往爱情却7144遭到伤害!之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)?适逢老2768三老恭生日!平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流、两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票。他信以为真!因此欠下了巨债、祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……   !




  Stephen Chow movies and personal data files   Chinese name: Stephen Chow   English name: Stephen Chow   Date of birth: June 22, 1962   Lunar New Year: Tiger   Place of Birth: Hong Kong   Origin: Shanghai   Sun Constellation: Cancer   Moon Constellation: Aquarius   Height: 174cm   Weight: 65kg   Idol: Bruce Lee   Favorite stars: Chow Yun-fat, Jackie Chan   Character: cheerful, and gas, stubborn   Interests: singing, operas   Favorite sports: horse riding, soccer, snooker, swimming   Most grateful to the people: Li Xiuxian, Wan Ziliang   Favorite actor: Robert Dini Road   Favorite singers: Anita Mui   Favorite song: song lyric   Favorite dance: DISCO   Favorite clothes Zang: Casual   Favorite shoes: cloth shoes   Favorite accessories: Table   Favorite color: blue   Favorite animals: dogs   Best hope: make a lot of money to study   The worst of the subjects: mathematics   Appearance look like: half of all parents   Most want to go to the place: at home   Favorite music: classical music   Favorite book: Chinese classic novels, comic books   Like the seasons: spring and autumn   Favorite people: mothers   Biggest wish: Since my self-directed   1988   "Thunderbolt vanguard" virgin works, performances by virtue of character   "Wind catchers man" state of inertia performance   "Best son-in-law" state of inertia performance   1989   "Dragon in the Tianya" supporting role, the peak performance   "Yidan Qunying" unsatisfactory   "Rogue poor woman"   Wu Junru and performance together to make sparks, the first time in transition   1990   "Jackie Chan look-fu," Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "A comic Chuang Tianya" Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "Yesterday Once restaurant" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "We Tonglu" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "Kalilajiao" completely overshadowed the performances Jacky Cheung   "A thief Star" state of inertia performance   "Shixiong hit ghost" state of inertia performance   "St. gambling," won the annual top ten box office hit when the first film, beginning with partner Wu Mengda   "Invincible Lucky" performance in general   "Finally a veteran political arena," the general performance   "Duxia" won the second annual top 10 box office hit movie, Chow has become famous   1991   "Tricky Brains," the new comedy movie themes, and Wang Jing has initially formed a tacit understanding   "Longdechuanren" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "The new Jingwu Men 1991" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "Fight Back to School" Qiangdang summer, when the blockbuster movie the first 10   "Duxia 2 on the beaches of St. gambling," Gong Li, Fang Jiwei played at the Hong Kong version, the Taiwan version of the female lead, Chow has become box-office guarantee   "Qingsheng" Maoshun Jun and his opponent plays, but the main characters too much, "Star" More modest   "Haomenyeyan" guest   1992 (the year is Zhou Xingchi)   "Comic Veyron" It was the beginning of suspected Chow in the end how much longer can persist   "Jiayouxishi" Hong Kong one of the most successful comedy, when the second annual top 10 blockbuster movies   "Fight Back to School 2" is known as Waterloo   "Official death trial" When the film first hit the top 10   "Luding Ji" When the third annual Top 10 blockbuster movies   "Royal Tramp II" When the 10 year blockbuster movie fifth   "Wu Su Qier champion" When the fourth in the 10 blockbuster movies   1993   "Fight Back to School 3-over chicken," when the seventh annual top 10 blockbuster movies, some people say that this is the final year of weeks   "Snowster point mobiledog" When the first 10 blockbuster movies, Chow ***   "Economy of" crushing defeat   1994   "Pohuaizhiwang" habitual performance   "九品芝麻官of flour Justice Bao" selected the top 10 when the blockbuster movie   "Ling Ling Chinese lacquer" and Yuan Yongyi together to make sparks, Wu Litou performances fully mature, and the cooperation has recognized Luo Jiaying   1995   "Journey to the West of the 101 back Whether" the second in transition, were then selected the 10 blockbuster films, Wu Litou *** + + romantic imagination   "Journey to the West Wan Jiepian of Cinderella"   "Huihun Night" continue to try restructuring, I do not see the basic features of the audience to accept the general   "Baibianxingjun" was Stephen Chow movie box office is the best one, is a "Tricky Brains," a continuation of   "King of Comedy," the third time in transition, in-depth form of comedy, since my shot lead   "Qianwangzhiwang 2000," Wu Litou cast aside, in-depth and meticulous comedy completely overshadowed protagonist Zhang Jiahui   2001   "Shaolin Soccer" Hong Kong has created the highest level since before the box office, to the cause since his debut summit   2004   "Kung Fu" Tinggao heard that the box office, but I feel that too little of the art components, computer special effects are not optimistic about,扫墓禁忌




  屌丝男士第二季第一集!,扫把 风水


  在至今为止的华语片香港票房的TOP50排行榜中?“双周一成”的影片占了39部!为78%,其中由周星驰主演的影片就有《功夫》。《少林足球》等18部!占了36%、且在TOP20中周星驰有10部影片入围。这可以说是香港电影的一个奇迹!尽管他从影以来主演的影片只有大约50部!   1983的《临歧》周星驰。梁朝伟。刘德华!林俊贤(实际上这个是教育宣传片和香港81----86系列一样)   《香港81》周星驰 吴镇宇等(主要是11期训练班学员,但不知为何没有梁朝伟)   《香港82》周星驰 吴镇宇等(主要是11期训练班学员。但不知为何也没有梁朝伟)   刚进影坛在李修贤经纪公司万能影业时期的配角作品   (具体完整的合作对手名单和角色名称应以电影公司发行为依据!而电影正确名称则与发行地区和时间的不同翻译有所差异、下面亦同)   1988   《霹雳先锋》香港票房8916612   《捕风汉子》香港票房3149395   《最佳女婿》香港票房5807710   1989   《龙在天涯》香港票房6809853   《义胆群英》香港票房7913329   《流氓差婆》香港票房5624622   《风雨同路》香港票房9335299   1990   《龙凤茶楼》香港票房9335299   离开万能前后签约吴思远、萧若元、作为主角的作品   1990   《望夫成龙》香港票房13703364   《一本漫画闯天涯》香港票房15149253   《咖喱辣椒》香港票房15777856   《小偷阿星》香港票房7968106   《师兄撞鬼》香港票房12128944   《赌圣》香港票房41326156   《无敌幸运星》香港票房18799869   《江湖最后一个大佬》香港票房5495811   《赌侠》香港票房40342758   1991(大约这个时期后期周星驰将自己的所有电影经纪合约签给无线电视台。具体可以参考1992年1月的星期五档案!影圈风云)   《整蛊专家》香港票房31388471   《龙的传人》!香港票房23762012   《新精武门1991》香港票房24245510   《逃学威龙》香港票房43829449   《赌侠2上海滩赌圣》香港票房 31163730(为迎合台湾市场!台湾版的女主角为台湾女星方季惟。但拍摄地依然是香港!其中典故。有兴趣可以查询有关影史)   《情圣》香港票房16548021   1992   《漫画威龙》香港票房22946994   《家有喜事》香港票房48992188   《逃学威龙2》香港票房31635680   《审死官》香港票房49884734   《鹿鼎记》香港票房40862831   《鹿鼎记2神龙教》香港票房36583964   《武状元苏乞儿》香港票房37416607   1993   《逃学威龙3龙过鸡年》香港票房25776004   《唐伯虎点秋香》香港票房40171804   《济公》香港票房21562580   1994   《破坏之王》香港票房36936349   《九品芝麻官》香港票房30177208   《国产凌凌漆》香港票房37567879   1995   《大话西游之月光宝盒》香港票房25324203   《大话西游之仙履奇缘》香港票房21713967 (周星驰第一次组的彩星公司的创业唯一作品。但拆为两部上映!票房对比同类港片虽然已经非常不错,但是离预期有差距)   《回魂夜》香港票房16281325   《百变星君》香港票房35236551   1996   《大内密探零零发》香港票房36051899   《食神》香港票房40861655 (星辉公司的创业作,也是周星驰自认的得意作品!至今去参观星辉都能看见醒目海报。好莱坞已经购得版权)   1997   《97家有喜事》香港票房40435675   《算死草》香港票房27163795   1998   《行运一条龙》香港票房27726705   1999   《喜剧之王》香港票房29846650 (星辉的第二部作品)   《千王之王2000》香港票房19139760   2001   《少林足球》香港票房60739847(星辉作品之中最获得金像奖奖项肯定的作品)   2004   《功夫》香港票房61278697(星辉作品之中同时最多获得金像奖和金马奖甚至金球奖等外阜奖项肯定的作品,而且也是在世界各地保持港产片的各种票房记录)   2008   《长江七号》香港票房51582208   2009   《建国大业》饰 周作人(友情客串)   客串和配音作品   1991年   《赌霸》客串   《非洲和尚》配音   《豪门夜宴》客串   1999年   《玻璃樽》客串   2001年   《茅趸王》配音、扫把和簸箕放哪风水好

有没有只属于他们四个人的电影 刘德华、周星驰、成龙、周润发呀

没有、希望以后可以有。可是、他们的片酬太多!没几个人付的起! 。扫把拖把摆放哪里好






  叫“大圣娶亲”、 《 月光宝盒》里的,扫把眉面相


