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  马来西亚首都吉隆坡的双子塔(Petronas Towers)是吉隆坡的标志性城市景观之一。是世界上目前最高的双子楼!   双塔大厦于1998年完工共88层,高1483英尺(452米)!它是两个独立的塔楼并由裙房相连。独立塔楼外形像两个巨大的玉米、故又名双峰大厦、    吉隆坡双子塔是马来西亚石油公司的综合办公大楼,也是游客从云端俯视吉隆坡的好地方,双子塔的设计风格体现了吉隆坡这座城市年轻。中庸!现代化的城市个性,突出了标志性景观设计的独特性理念、   据说当初建造双子大厦的时候、以每四天起一层楼的速度,足足建了两年半。可见当时的马来西亚向世人展示自己经济发展成果的骄傲。可谁7274又会想到?双子塔落成之后不久。亚洲金融风暴爆发,整个东南亚便陷入经济危机,马来西西亚的经济也遭受重创!   连接双子塔的空中走廊目前世界上最高的过街天桥。肖恩·康纳利(SEAN CONNERY)及凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯(CATHERINE ZETA-JONES)主演的《偷天陷阱》里,男女主角就是从这里逃脱,站在这里、可以俯瞰马来西亚最繁华的景象、双子塔内有全马来西亚最高档的商店,销售的都是品牌商品,当然价格也是最高的,塔内东南亚最大的古典交响音乐厅Dewan古典交响音乐厅,,


  占地面积40公顷、高88层,452米!   吉隆坡石油双塔坐落于吉隆坡市中市(Kuala Lumpur city centre),简称KLCC计划区的西北角!属于此计划区的第一阶段工程。曾经是世界最高的摩天大楼、直到2003年10月17日被台北101超越!但仍是目前世界最高的双塔楼,也是世界第四高的大楼。   这座建筑是马国石油公司耗资20亿马币建设的,1993年12月27日开工、1996年2月13日封顶、1997年建成启用。占地面积40公顷!高88层,452米、打破了美国芝加哥希尔斯大楼443米高的记录,成为当时世界上最高的摩天大楼。马来西亚人为此而骄傲。成为吉隆坡最耀眼的标志、   这座双子塔楼包含74.32万平方米以上的办公面积!13.935万平方米的购物与娱乐设施!4500辆车位的地下停车场,一个石油博物馆,一个音乐厅!以及一个多媒体会议中心!   双子5971塔的设计风格体现了吉隆坡这座城市年轻?中庸和现代化。两座塔楼一模一样!一座是马来西亚国家石油公司办公用。另一座是出租的写字楼!在第40至41层之间有一座天桥!方便楼与楼之间来往、天桥长58.4米!距地面170米!为世界之最!1999年在全球上映的!由肖恩·康纳和凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯主演的欧美电影《偷天陷阱》、外景就选择在这里。这部电影的火爆上映。使这座建筑更加名扬世界,   从吉隆坡市内各处都很容易见到这座大厦,大厦非常壮观?就像两座高高的尖塔刺破长空。双塔的楼面构成以及其优雅的剪影给它们带来了独特的轮廓、其平面是两个扭转并重叠的正方形、用较7928小的圆形填补空缺!这种造型可以理解为来自伊斯兰的灵感!而同时又明显1195是现代的和西方的?   双子塔是吉隆坡的一个主要景点,门票免费,但限制人数!需提前领票,票上注明进场时间,每天上午8:30开始领票!一般到中午就发完了?参观时间是9:00~17:00,周末9:00~22:00!每15分钟换一批人进去!并配有导游!站在楼顶!鸟瞰四面八方!吉隆坡的美景尽收眼底,尤其是晚上灯光璀璨的时候。景色尤为壮美。有一种身置星空的微妙感觉!   目前世界摩天大楼前8名:   1.迪拜哈利法塔(原名迪拜塔)。有160层,高828米。由韩国三星公司负责营造、2004年9月21日开始动工,2010年1月4日竣工启用。   2.台北101大楼。高508米、101层。   3.上海环球金融中心、高492米。101层 2008年竣工,   4.吉隆坡双子塔,位于吉隆坡市中心美芝律!高452米!共88层!   5.芝加哥西尔斯大厦、高443米。108层,   6.上海金茂大厦,高420.5米,88层。1998年竣工    7.香港国际金融中心大厦:位于香港 中环。高420米,共88层!为香港最高建筑物、   8.广州珠江新城双塔之西塔!设4103计高度为432米。2009年竣工、、为啥有讲风水

地理问题 马来西亚 新加坡双子塔







  大马国油双峰塔: Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia:   (1) The Petronas Towers (also known as the Petronas Twin Towers or KLCC) are skyscrapers and twin towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.   (2) Designed by Argentine architects César Pelli and Djay Cerico under the consultancy of Julius Gold and Filipino engineer Domingo Basa, the Petronas Towers were completed in 1998 after a seven year build and became the tallest buildings in the world on the date of completion.Because of the depth of the bedrock, the buildings were built on the world's deepest foundations. The 120-meter foundations were built within 12 months by Bachy Soletanche and required massive amounts of concrete.   (3) The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion.Another Islamic influence on the design is that the cross section of the towers is based on a Rub el Hizb, albeit with circular sectors added to meet office space requirements. Tower 1 was built by a Japanese consortium led by the Hazama Corporation while Tower 2 was built by Samsung C&T and Kukdong Engineering & Construction, both South Korean contractors.The sky bridge contract was completed by Kukdong Engineering & Construction. Thus, Tower 2 became the first to reach the world's tallest building at the time.!为官面相






  马来西亚   马来西亚首都吉隆坡的双子塔(Petronas Towers)是吉隆坡的标志性城市景观之一!是世界上2708目前最高的双子楼,   双塔大厦于1998年完工共88层、高1483英尺(452米)!它是两个独立的塔楼并由裙房相连!独立2568塔楼外形像两个巨大的玉米。故又名双峰大厦。   吉2952隆坡双子塔是马来西亚石油公司的综合办公大楼!也是游客从云端俯视吉9840隆坡的好地方,双子塔的设计风格体现了吉隆坡这座城市年轻、中庸、现代化的城市个性。突出了标志性景观设计的独特性理念、、为钱所累的八字,马来西亚双子塔的由来


  对不起, 没有英文本.   [1]Meeting and Greeting   Shake hands with men at business meetings and social events. Shake hands again when leaving.   Nod or give a slight bow when greeting a woman or an older person. Introduce higher ranking people or older people first. Introduce women before men.   Western women should greet Malay men with a nod of their head and a smile.   Body Language   Never touch anyone on the top of the head (home of the soul), especially a child. Avoid touching anyone of the opposite sex. Affection is not shown in public.   Use your right hand to eat, pass things and touch people. Do not pass objects with your left hand. Do not move objects with your feet or point at another person with your foot.   Giving a slight bow when leaving, entering or passing by people means, "excuse me."   A smile or laugh could mean surprise, anger, shock, embarrassment or happiness.   It is impolite to beckon adults.   Single fingers are not used for gesturing.   Hitting your fist into a cupped hand is obscene.   Hands in pockets signify anger.   [2]Dining and Entertainment   Entertaining is an important part of doing business. Most business entertaining is done in restaurants.   Most important meetings are followed with lunch or dinner. Be sure to reciprocate any dinner with a dinner of equal value.   Spouses may be invited to dinner when the meal will not involve business discussions. Do not bring spouses to a business lunch.   Drinks are offered and accepted with both hands. Drinks are not served before dinner.   Malays use only their right hand to eat, pass, touch or handle anything. Never use your left hand to eat.   Food is cut in bite size pieces, making a knife unnecessary. Hold the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left hand. Push your food onto the spoon with the fork and eat from the spoon. When finished, put the fork and the spoon on your plate.   Allow the host to order all dishes in a restaurant.   [3]Dress   For business, men should wear pants and white shirts, with ties for executives. Conservative suits should be worn when meeting with government officials. You may be more comfortable wearing a jacket to a first meeting.   Women should wear sleeved blouses with skirts or pants.   Yellow is reserved for royalty.!主人卧室风水


