维丹阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  What zodiac sign are you?   I am Scorpio,


  what is your constellation??奇门遁甲三奇六仪格局


  What's your zodiac sign?,男命八字与女命合婚


  第100个星座是   双子座:   双子座人是一种来无影去无踪的存在,对于新鲜事物的向往让他们停不下脚步!但是、一件事物的热情程度以及维持时间则取决于事物的吸引力,双子座人向往单纯干净的生活方式,无论感情还是事业都希望这样、虽然他们6297不是很注重生活细节,但是2877内心感情变化却很细腻!、民国大师排名


  复活节英语是什么?是几月几日   复活节英语是:Easter   复活节:the first Sunday following the first full moon after March 21     其实每年的复活节并没有确定具体是哪一天、每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天,、八字看前世后世的书吗


  The same constellation of people tend to have similar characteristics。五行属火的数字有那些



(求英语高手翻译成英语,请人工翻译,不要软件翻译,非常感谢!) 你的座右铭是什么? 我的座

  What is your motto?   My motto is "before accomplishing a task,one must conduct himself". This is a very common sentence that we often hear of in life, but it does have profound meaning. In my impression, my father told me this principle first when I was studying in middle school. Because of a trivial event, I had conflict with my father and lost my temper with him. I could not remeber what happened afterwards, but I can clearly recall that my father said "Boy. Before accomplishing a task,you must conduct yourself". Although I did not know the exact meaning of this remark, but it has remained in my mind and has grown with me since that time. As the time passed by, I has had my own comprehension on it.   Firstly, one have to complete one's tasks well and respect the other, either in life or at work. If so, the other will also respect the person. Secondly, one must endeavor to improve one‘s ability and accomplish all assighments steadily. Only when one can behave like this will other people see his or her advantages and trust the person. Therefore, in the future, I will continue to consider my motto that "one must conduct himself before accomplishing a task" as principle in work, respecting others, improving myself,and striving to fulfill my tasks.   求采纳~   无论采不采纳、都提醒一下题主、 在翻译最后4047一段时最好用one这种形式,we会被认为有集体主义倾向、不符合英语逻辑,如果单用he 或者she 会被认为有种族歧视倾向。    码字好累,,,套房装修风水




scorpio 英[ˈskɔ:piəu] 美[ˈskɔrpiˌo] n. 全蠍; 天蠍座!天蠍宫; 天蠍座的人; [例句]That's really fortunate for you, for this full moon will appear in Scorpio. 真太幸运了!这满月会出现在天蠍座中!、 !,猪胆鼻面相


