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  标准英语小贴士   Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar. To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken. Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States.   说英语不仅仅要语法正确!想要有效的使用英语,你需要了解语言使用国的文化。如果你在美国说英语,那么下面这些注意事项是你应该了解的。   General Points to Remember   你需要记住的是:   * Most Americans only speak English: While it is true that more and more Americans speak Spanish, most Americans only speak English. Don't expect them to understand your native language.   大部分美国人只说英语:现在越来越多的美国人能说西班牙语是事实!但是大部分的美国人只说英语。所以别指望他们能听懂你的母语。   * Americans have difficulties understanding foreign accents: Many Americans are not used to foreign accents. This requires patience from both of you!   美国人理解外国口音有困难:很多美国人不习惯外国口音,所以你们交谈8006双方都需要有耐心,   Conversation Tips   交谈沟通秘籍   * Speak about location: Americans love to talk about location. When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place. For example: "Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. He says it's a beautiful place to live." Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that particular city or area.   谈论地点:美国人喜欢谈论地点,和陌生人说话的时候,可以问问他们从哪里来然后找到自己跟那个地方的联系,比如可9471以说:“啊、我有个朋友在洛杉矶学习、他说那地方很漂亮,”这时大部分美国人就会很愿意谈起他们居住或者到过那个特殊的地方或地区的经历,   * Talk about work: Americans commonly ask "What do you do?". It's not considered impolite (as in some countries) and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers.   谈论工作:美国人通常会问“What do you do?”在某些国家会被认为这是不礼貌的,但5563美国不是的,这只是陌生人之间聊天的一个流行话题。   * Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand "American Football", not soccer.   谈论运动:美国人超爱运动、不过,他们喜欢美国的运动。如果说到football,大部分美国人会理解成橄榄球而不是足球?   * Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive topics: The United States is a multi-cultural society. Especially in the last few years, Americans are trying very hard to be sensitive to other cultures and ideas. Talking about sensitive topics like religion or beliefs, is often avoided in order to be sure not to offend someone of a different belief system. This is often referred to as being "politically correct".   说到种族,宗教或者其他敏感话题要小心:美国是一个多文化的社会、特别是近几年,美国人对其他文化和观点非常特别的敏感、像宗教或者信仰之类的敏感话题通常都不会9503在谈话中提及!以免冒犯别人。这就是经常被提到的“政治正确”、   Addressing People   称呼   * Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names.   对不认识的人要称呼他们的姓:用他们的头衔(先生!女士!博士等)加上他们的姓、   * Always use "Ms" when addressing women: It is important to use "Ms" when addressing a woman. Only use "Mrs" when the woman has asked you to do so!   称呼女性的时候通常用“Ms”:称呼女性的时候用“Ms”!这很重要、如果对方要求你称呼“Mrs” 那再照办好了!   * Many Americans prefer first names: Americans often prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very different positions. Americans will generally say, "Call me Tom." and then expect you to remain on a first name basis.   很多人喜欢被叫名字:美国人通常喜欢用他们的名字!即使是和身份非常不同的3424人打交道,他们通常会说,“叫我Tom”!然后真的希望你用他们的名字来称呼他们(不是客气的哦)。   * Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances.   美国人不拘小节:通常情况下。美国人喜欢非正式的问候!提到他们的同事或者使用名字或者熟人的时候喜欢用昵称。   Public Behavior   注意公共场合的行为   * Always shake hands: Americans shake hands when greeting each other. This is true for both men and women. Other forms of greeting such as kissing on the cheeks, etc., is generally not appreciated.   常握手:美国人相互致意的时候喜欢握手!这是男女通用的、其他的比如亲吻7391脸颊之类的方式是非常不推荐的?   * Look your partner in the eye: Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere.   看对方的眼睛:美国人想要表达关注的时候会在说话的时候看着对方的眼睛、   * Don't hold hands: Same sex friends do not usually hold hands or put their arms around each other in public in the United States.   别拉手:在美国,同性朋友们在公共场合不太会手拉手或者挽住对方的胳膊!   * Smoking is Out!!: Smoking, even in public places, is strongly disapproved of by most Americans in the modern United States.    吸烟很老土!、:在当代的美国!吸烟。尤其是在公共场合吸烟!是非常不被大众接受的行为。。


实际上做梦是睡眠的一部分, 在5916入睡后大脑皮层未完全抑制、 脑海中出现各种奇幻的情景! 梦境是虚幻的没有什么说法和寓意的。、 ,!玄秘风水学婚姻


  呢?现在美国大学秋季开学的日子越来越近。到了美国之后应该如何与同学老师们交流呢?今天给大家讲讲和美国人聊天的几个技巧,希望对大家有帮助。 Conversation Tips 交谈沟通秘籍: 1、 Speak about location: Americans love to talk about location. When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place. For example: "Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. He says it's a beautiful place to live." Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that particular city or area. 谈论地点:美国人聊天喜欢谈论地点!和陌生人说话的时候。可以问问他们从哪里来然后找到自己跟那个地方的联系、比如可以说:“啊!我有个朋友在洛杉5965矶学习。他说那地方2656很漂亮!”这时大部分美国人就会很愿意谈起他们居住或者到过那个特殊的地方或地区的经历。 2、Talk about work: Americans commonly ask "What do you do?". It's not considered impolite (as in some countries) and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers. 谈论工作:美国人通常会问“What do you do?”在某些国家会被认为这是不礼貌的!但美国不是的,这只是陌生人之间聊天的一个流行话题。 3!Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand "American Football", not soccer. 谈论运动:美国人超爱运动!不过,他们喜欢美国的运动,如果说到football!大部分美国人会理解成橄榄球而不是足球。 4! Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive topics: The United States is a multi-cultural society. Especially in the last few years, Americans are trying very hard to be sensitive to other cultures and ideas. Talking about sensitive topics like religion or beliefs, is often avoided in order to be sure not to offend someone of a different belief system. This is often referred to as being "politically correct". 说到种族,宗教或者其他敏感话题要小心:美国是一个多文化的社会!特别是近几年。美国人对其他文化和观点非常特别的敏感?像宗教或者信仰之类的敏感话3078题通常都不会在谈话中提及!以免冒犯别人,这就是经常被提到的“政治正确”! Addressing People 称呼 1, Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names. 对不认识的人要称呼他们的姓:用他们的头衔(先生、女士、3417博士等)加上他们的姓。 2、Always use "Ms" when addressing women: It is important to use "Ms" when addressing a woman. Only use "Mrs" when the woman has asked you to do so! 称呼女性的时候通常用“Ms”:称呼女性的时候用“Ms”、这很重要,如果对方要求你称呼“Mrs” 那再照办好了, 3、 Many Americans prefer first names: Americans often prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very different positions. Americans will generally say, "Call me Tom." and then expect you to remain on a first name basis. 很多人喜欢被叫名字:美国人通常喜欢用他们的名字!即使是和身份非常不同4052的人打交道!他们通常会说!“叫我Tom”、然后真的希望你用他们的名字来称呼他们(不是客气的哦), 4、Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances. 美国人不拘小节:通常情况下!美国人喜欢非正式的问候、提到他们的同事或者使用名字或者熟人的时候喜欢用昵称, Public Behavior 注意公共场合的行为 1,Always shake hands: Americans shake hands when greeting each other. This is true for both men and women. Other forms of greeting such as kissing on the cheeks, etc., is generally not appreciated. 常握手:美国人相互致意的时候喜欢握手。这是男女通用的。其他的比如亲吻脸颊之类的方式是非常不推荐的! 2, Look your partner in the eye: Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere. 看对方的眼睛:美国人想要表达关注的时候会在说话的时候看着对方的眼睛, 3。 Don't hold hands: Same sex friends do not usually hold hands or put their arms around each other in public in the United States. 别拉手:在美国?同性朋友们在公共场合不太会手拉手或者挽住对方的胳膊、 4, Smoking is Out!!: Smoking, even in public places, is strongly disapproved of by most Americans in the modern United States. 吸烟很老土!!:在当代的美国!吸烟,尤其是在公共场合吸烟,是非常不被大众接受的行为。 和美国人了解肯定要说英语、说英语不仅仅要语法正确,想要有效的使用英语!你需要了解语言使用国的文化,所以!在出国留学前可以多看看有关美国文化风俗的文章。 天道提示: 棒球-美国人最喜欢的运动 美国人最喜欢的运动-冲浪 美国人最喜欢的运动之伊迪塔洛狗!玄秘风水学微博


  梦见和自己所教的学生在一起的周公解梦:吉凶指数:82(由佛滔居士数理文化得出。仅供参考)   梦见一,新的开始的暗示!工作!恋爱上都可得到新的开始、一直以来困扰的问题也可能得到解决。是个好梦!    梦见学生、表示了你心中对知识的渴望、   梦见和自己所教的9736学生在一起,步调凌乱的一天,这两天会感觉到很多事情都和自己的准备和不上节拍!费心费力不用说!还很容易把你真实的脾性暴露出来!对家庭的想法会有新的改变,、玄秘风水学看图猜成语


  日有所思、夜有所梦!你能有这样的梦说明对方未能给你100%的安全感。另7196一方面也证明你很在乎对方,上天自有公道,付出必有回报!加油,、玄空 97化解


  梦见打猫或者抓猫!小偷或土匪会破门而入,但是不会受损失。坏人会被抓获, 梦见养猫,会摆脱病魔,梦见养兔。因谨言慎行,会避免仇人设置的圈套、 梦见打猫!会识破片子的骗局,梦见无缘无故打猫。将会与邻居为敌! 女人梦见猫、是不祥之兆! 梦见猫捉老鼠!是祥兆、敌人会互相残杀。两者俱亡、 梦见猫捕鼠者主得财, 猫常常被用来象征人的某种特性、或者说象往征的某种人!常常是女人!她们慵懒。漂亮而又可爱、她们有点自私!有点小脾气,有点贪嘴,贪婪睡、有点狡黠,但是她们仍旧被男人喜爱!因为她们的那种乖样。那种柔顺让人怜爱。 但是这只是猫白天的样子,晚上的猫应当完全不同了,夜里的7357猫双眼贼亮!一扫白天那种懒洋洋的样子。猫对待老鼠十分残忍、抓9263住了不马上吃,还要逗它玩、要看4608老鼠那种无望的挣扎!夜里猫要闹春。情欲旺盛。像猫的女人,表面上像白天的猫!实际上都有夜里的猫一面!你知不知道!猫的爪可伸可缩!缩进去后!它的小爪软软和挺可爱、6901可一旦伸出来?抓人可狠了, ! 古人称猫的狸奴!猫有奴性,但是猫的奴性不同于狗的奴性。狗是人的爪牙。人手下的打手!猫是人的弄臣。帮闲,狗忠诚于主人!而猫对主人也不忠、 鲁迅在杂文中!提到过他仇猫!那是因为他们讨厌那些像猫一样的帮闲文人。 某男学生、梦见两只猫、一只黑猫,一只红猫、他奇怪地问我猫为什么有红色的,我笑着问他!他是不是身边有两个女孩,一个爱穿黑衣服,一个爱穿红衣服!她们也挺狡黠,挺厉害的、你对她们俩都有点喜欢,又有点怕她们“抓你”!他不好意思地点了点头、猫也有象征别的事物的时候。但是指这样的人的时候居多、 老虎凶猛,象征着困难! 男人梦见老虎。在事业上会遇到难以克服的困难。。     采纳哦,玄空 五黄


  英国人名字里有一股英伦味美国就很平常了、。玄空 风水火山卦


  梦见和美女妖怪相爱意味着:   运气顺畅,特别是爱情运有活泼化的迹象。这两天绝对是个与相爱的人一起度过的2012LastDay。深夜的倒数计时,有可能的话一起迎接第一道阳光!两个人间的牵绊将更深更深的预感┅而2013年的第一天更要安排得浪漫一点喔,另外这两天在工作上则是适合订立今年最後契约的日子、0398财运保证的暗示喔!   梦见和美女妖怪相爱的吉凶:   由努力至成功,向上发展!诸志易成,百事安泰、身心健康!得享长寿寿富荣、但因火力过大。提防火灾或烫伤之险!若无凶数,则可免忧虑、【大吉昌】!玄空120分金



康德是哪国人 康德究竟是什么星座



