维丹阁 >办公室风水 >风水禁忌


  1。外号   2!尊长的名讳   3、公私混淆   4!5921名字误读   5,不分场合、


  When the lady greets to exotic, even so, you are not to shake hands with such as physical contact, but should instead of distance. In addition, women in something not directly to monk pass monk, through the man. Avoid give monk money. The priest shall meet monk, give them money, because of the money is not accept others JinLv Buddhism. Avoid has profaned the Buddha, Buddha is allowed to photograph. See figure of Buddha, Buddha to avoid pat no respect, buddhist statue was riding in the above photographs of Thai people cannot tolerate profane act, there is the behavior of people may be sentenced to. Into the temple, socks, should take off shoe, otherwise you will incur barefoot into trouble. In addition, scruffy, TanXiongLouBei, wear vest, shorts into a temple, considered profane act, is strictly prohibited. The head is the inviolable. Touch other head is considered to be touched a crying shame. If you accidentally touch the head, and others sincerely apologize immediately. The child cannot touch head, because the child that "Thailand has elves" head accommodation, touch the head is that children will give children bring luck ". Children's head only allow the king, monks, and their parents touch. Even the barber also cannot touch others in the head before the barber, say "I must". Women should be huge, and dignified legs together, otherwise considered not civilization, lack of education. Avoid using left. The left hand is considered unclean, avoid using hand, because the thais delivered with left hand is to think of a despised. Formal occasions, such as something to send CARDS to each other, and shall be delivered to your hands, with our respect and delivery of the same things etiquette. Avoid against others. Pat the shoulders of others is not considered a friendly gesture, considered a civilized manner. Avoid trample threshold. In Thailand, do not enter home on the threshold of Thailand, because that threshold under occupation spirit. Avoid using red sign. Only in the coffin in Thailand on the names of the dead in red, when to use red sign is dead. In our country also avoid writing, signed with the red pen, because with the red pen write hinted diffidation, with the red pen is to sign the ungodly. Avoid sitting cross-legged or sole to people. In Thailand, sitting cross-legged or sole on people or to the Buddha is not polite. Whether sitting or standing, don't allow thais clearly see your sole, because the sole of others is a "will trample on the" other people in Thailand, insulting is absolutely unacceptable. Brown in color, taboo, like red, yellow, and blue well disposed, in their eyes, the blue symbolizes "eternal" and "stability". In the middle of a conversation should avoid discussing politics, religion and royal aspects of topic, And Thailand, don't boast businessman of national economy, don't ask Mrs. Some married. The topics include proper culture, history and Thai food. Gifts Thailand businessman like gift-giving. Calligraphy and painting, children's toys and flowers to Thailand is comely gifts. But should pay attention to avoid sends with "" and" turtle "pattern of the soul, Business gifts, because the Thai people think a crane is a kind of" sex "bird, Turtle was regarded as a sickening low-level animal, give a person with a kind of "ugly" and "sex", "insulting" impression. Therefore, this two animals with its design and the goods that Thailand is taboo. In addition, flowers, don't send carnations or marigold's national flower lotus is people very favorite. Young people prefer foreign universities T-shirt. And when the same host, the etiquette received a gift in front of you not to open it. If you receive a Thai people's gift to you, you also need to open it, thank you, unless you can open it requests. The final decision businessman talks in Thailand for a long time, often need to be patient, maintain a positive attitude of "the best things are difficult to get opportunities will no doubt. In addition, business negotiations in Thailand, don't expect a talk to have enough psychological preparation, and not a spirit of facilities, strive for success of the negotiations. Business etiquette embody the businessmen of personal comprehensive quality and cultural literacy, represent the company's professional image and reflect in the national civilization. Thailand as a predominantly buddhist has its unique traditional etiquette for our country, in the business activity, must respect its religious tradition and culture, avoid some taboo behavior, only such ability and tai shang good business communication, win their trust, and finally obtain business opportunities.,婚后生活不幸福的手相


  侮辱性的称呼 三八 傻x什么的误会性的称呼!辽宁周易风水










  外国人名字在前!姓氏在后,      关系特别熟(或对方是美国人。美国人比较随意)或是在非正式的场合。直接用Good morning Janet比较合适!     正式场合或是职位比您高的领导则用 Good morning Mr. Dickinson.!挖坟地时挖出蛇好不好




  不知道你是指哪方面的。就都写了一些。你自己的参考吧……   一,仪表礼仪   一 选择适当的化妆品和与自己气质!脸型、年龄等特点相符的化妆方法、选择适当的发型来增添自己1890的魅力,   ①化妆的浓!淡要视时间、场合而定。   ②不要在公共场所化妆,   ③不要在男士面前化妆!  5379 ④不要非议他人的化妆?   ⑤不要借用他人的化妆品?   ⑥男士不要过分化妆、   二 服饰及其礼节   1.要注意时代的特点。体现时代精神!   2.要注意个人性格特点   3.应符合自己的体形   三 白领女士的禁忌禁忌   一:发型太新潮禁忌   二:头发如乱草禁忌   三:化妆太夸张禁忌   四:脸青唇白禁忌   五:衣装太新潮禁忌   六:打扮太性感禁忌   七:天天扮“女黑侠” 禁忌   八:脚踏“松糕鞋”   四 中国绅士的标志和破绽   1.中国绅士的十个细节:   ① 有一双干净修长的手,修剪整齐的指甲、   ② 虽然不吸烟。但随身携带打火机,以方便在周围的女士吸烟时为其点烟,   ③ 天天换衬衫!保持领口和袖口的4197平整和清洁、有的还会使用袖扣。   ④ 腰间不悬挂物品。诸如手机!呼机等等、   ⑤ 在与女士相处时!不放过每一个细节以对女士加以照顾、并且几乎在完全下意识的状态下操作,百战不殆。   ⑥ 在吃饭6222时从不发出声音。   ⑦ 较常人使用礼貌用语更为频繁?   ⑧ 偏爱孤独!0597寻求宁静的心灵,安静的肉体及5709激情的冥想、绅士们故此好思想,好舞文、好文学艺术方面的经典名著、绝少拜读浮华喧嚣的弄潮作品。包括影视。翻看一两眼!倘若认为俗,便绝2009不再拿起,包括讨论、   ⑨ 喜怒不形于色、在人群中独自沉默!   ⑩ 在对待爱情的态度上思虑过重。常常显得优柔寡断。   (!阳历出生日期算命


